Ok, here are mine, see if any of these hit the spot with you too:
There's a clear relationship between my fitness level and my contentment.
The biggest gym in the world is right outside my door. And I've got free membership.
I like a sport where the equation is simple, work equals reward. When someone says 'You'll be good at this if you've got natural hand/eye co-ordination', I want to get my coat. Conversely, 'eat training, improve', yeah yeah, where do I sign up?
Every run is a self-esteem boost. I can and I did. Even the bad ones are good.
Some of the very best runs I've done have been the ones where I've thought twice about going out beforehand.
Tricky situations seem much clearer and easier to deal with after I've racked up a hard six miler.
Taking that time out for me means I'll give the rest of my time and attention away to others more willingly.
And here is my Ace In The Hole, wot I fought of all by myself. This is the reason I think all of us run, and you qualify as one of the 'all of us' if you get a little bit twitchy if you haven't run for two or three days. Ha ha, is that you? Without getting all George Benson (The Greatest Luuuuurrrrve of Aaaaallllll), running is the place where we express ourselves to ourselves. (Ok, if you're not American, maybe put your head between your knees now and breathe deeply, the feelings of nausea will soon pass.) But no, seriously now, let me expand. We have lots of competing demands on our time and energies nowadays, and most of us end up presenting very slightly differing versions of ourselves to different people, depending on the situation we encounter and the expectations placed upon us. We are viewed and defined differently by family, friends, work colleagues, casual acquaintances etc., but, apart from loved ones, their opinions of us don't really matter in terms of our overall happiness. The one big opinion that counts is your own view of yourself, and whether you like what you see. Running gives us that, it's why we go running after a crappy day, to remind ourselves we are capable, fit, strong, free and happy. Of course, we don't actually think of those steps, but I think that's why we need to go and why we feel so much better and calmer afterwards - because we've expressed ourselves to ourselves.
Snap? Or crap? You decide.
Top blog, just abut sums it up for me although I don't run, I cycle. All relevant though!
ReplyDeleteIs that a gravatar, Phil?! When I first saw the title of your blog, I thought it was about Plastic Bertrand, but it couldn't have been, because he was fantastic. Ca plane pour moi. (What happened to the bags?)
Haha, yep that was my Gravatar - I should really load the current one. I am pleased to report that all the local traders didn't think that Plastic Not Fantastic was a good idea. I have TM'd the name and made a fortune! Lets be havin' the next blog then!