Monday, 29 June 2015

Movin' On Up

29 miles yesterday, 5 laps of 5.8 miles, stuck to about 10 minute miles for the first 4 laps, kicked it down a bit last one, last 3 miles 9.08, 8.45, 8.21.  114 and a half on the week.  Don't forget the half a mile.  Everything counts in large amounts.  Getting strong.  Finished it about 7pm last night.  Managed to walk out of the stable sound this morning, hobbletastic for the first couple of miles of a 5 miler at about 13 minute pace at 7.45am, Creakville, Arizona, but eased a bit after, no lasting ill effects. 
Come on down.
And smell my roses.  

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Getting there

Tuesday night's run - the average pace is a bit misleading, included 3 stops at the house for drinks, letting the clock run, a couple of delays for trains at the level crossing and 4 fairly steep hills, about a quarter of a mile plus each time, pace was nearer 9.15's, all within the comfort zone.  Third one of this length or longer in 10 day period.  Last 3 weeks, 85, 92, 80 (including weekend I had my daughter Amy so only 10 miles in last 3 days of week) - beginning to absorb it, very tired but no injury issues, just niggles. 
First week over the ton this week, then the next 4 weeks are crucial before I have Amy for a week's hol, and then another one a fortnight later.  Need 5 weeks of consistent high mileage before that hard week/easy week period, with at least one run a week of this kind of length or more, preferably two.  If I can achieve that, game on for Tooting.
The two crucial things are to keep batting away at it and to stay positive.  Things are beginning to come together. 
I likee.  I likee a lot.

Monday, 15 June 2015

Two weeks down

Apropos of nothing, one of Maggi Hambling's stunning wave paintings, just because I love them.  No one paints the sea like she does.  She is a great artist, her paintings convey emotion, they speak to me, they move me.  Lovely stuff.

Now, running!  Two weeks into the Tooting schedule, an 85 week and a 92 week.  Learning to love the long run again, did 23.4 on the road yesterday, was ok, slow but consistent pace.  Two 17.6's in the fortnight too, similar coming up this week, 17.6 tomorrow, 23.4 Thursday.  Everything else is filler, the long runs are the key.

Early days, but on track.

Thursday, 11 June 2015


Erm, well, I wasn't really expecting the 2015 canvas to end up like a load of Pollocks.
But there is some clarity emerging from the chaos.  And a little peace of mind.  It's regularly trotted out that forgiveness sets you free - the surprising thing is that the cliche is true!
And, as always, there is redemption to be found in running.  My running mojo has returned!  I have begun the Tooting schedule, one and a half weeks in, kicked off with an 85, aiming for 100 this week, all very slow, but I am enjoying every step of the training.  Getting stronger, feeling calmer.
Who knows, we may just be able to replace the Pollocks with a sunny Rothko!